
标题: 【佛罗伦萨魔翼巴尔加斯绯闻情人】 [打印本页]

作者: 盖世英雄    时间: 2012-2-22 19:02     标题: 【佛罗伦萨魔翼巴尔加斯绯闻情人】

本帖最后由 盖世英雄 于 2012-2-22 19:02 编辑

佛罗伦萨的秘鲁飞翼巴尔加斯,在秘鲁拥有很高人气。传闻巴尔加斯和秘鲁名模、曾获秘鲁2007年《花花公子》小姐的蒂尔萨-洛萨诺(Tilsa Lozano)有染。不过已婚的巴尔加斯否认了这件事,他不认为蒂尔萨是他的情人。“小报们都这么说,但显然,这是一个谎言。”图为蒂尔萨-洛萨诺写真照。




























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作者: shopping0i    时间: 2013-12-7 11:46     标题: Hydrogen And The Bigger Picture

live in an interesting time in that we have escalated our fossil fuel consumption to astronomical proportions while at the same time, have been informed on the condition of our world and the,Global Warming, that is occurring. It is rather odd that we are only given very few alternatives to our $700 billion dollar foreign oil addiction.  Wind, Solar, Nuclear. What about Hydrogen? Being the most abundant element on Earth. Completely renewable, and clean.
Leave it to a rich oil billionaire like, T. Boone Pickens to suggest we invest in wind as our alternative to oil. He just wants the American people to pay to have his windmill farms connected to the nations energy grid. His assertion was and still is, to provide America 22% percent of its current electricity needs through the power of the Wind. And, with this 22% percent of power coming from wind, would free up the equivalent in barrels of oil. It gets confusing after that.
This is the point; could you imagine the change in our way of life, if we were given an almost free source of clean, renewable energy? People like to talk about the largest transfers of wealth in the history of our great nation, due to the amount of money we are spending abroad on foreign Moncler Outlet Online oil.
Can you imagine the redistribution of wealth in this country alone, if we had a complete shift in the fuels we use today? Its mind numbing.  It will take great strength and perseverance to get what will be truly beneficial to our future and the future of mankind when it comes to making decisions on alternative fuels.
We cannot be swayed into a compromise with fossil fuels. We need a solution. Not just a quick fix. Our demand for energy will not decrease. Why plan on finite alternative fuels that could be unreliable, inefficient, and unfriendly to our environment.
People must write their State Senators and Moncler Outlet For Sale 2013 voice their concern for more exploration and scientific investigation into Hydrogen as a very viable energy alternative. Most of the only opposition to Hydrogen comes from a small group, most of whom have no valid scientific credentials, telling the general public that making Hydrogen requires,Too Moncler Outlet 2013 much Energy. They claim that is,very inefficient. With pressure from the outside, T. Boone Pickens had to partner up with Natural Gas and Hydrogen along with other natural alternative fuel sources as allies in his quest for funding.
The small group of individuals and small organizations who claim Hydrogen is inefficient can't maintain that argument when looked at by the believers in the Pickens Plan. The 22% of the electricity produced from wind mill farms could produce enormous amounts of Hydrogen. If the energy used to make Hydrogen Moncler Jackets Mens is free, then the argument of Hydrogen inefficiency is mute.

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作者: lordbane    时间: 2015-10-6 11:39


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