标题: 豪门盛宴官方PES6比赛完整赛制及选手比赛报分系统详细介绍 [打印本页]
作者: BNB 时间: 2013-9-15 03:10 标题: 豪门盛宴官方PES6比赛完整赛制及选手比赛报分系统详细介绍
1.1 比赛设置:10分钟.场地/天气/受伤等:随机.无加时/点球.
1.2 每场比赛获胜得3分,平得1分,负得0分。以积分的高低进行排名,当遇到积分相同的情况时,将按照胜负关系,净胜球,进球数的顺序排名。
1.3 球队选择:所有球队均为豪门盛宴6.0版本球队,所有参赛者均要绑定队壳,不论联赛杯赛,当届比赛不能更换队伍(绑定规则见下文)。主队球队及球衣颜色之优先选择权,客队选择之球队及球衣颜色不能与相同及相近。
1.4 不统计红黄牌,不考虑伤病因素。
1.5 积分说明:胜一场积3分,平一场积1分,输为0分。如遇同分则先计胜负关系,其次计净胜球,最终计进球数。
3.1 所有杯赛暂时只为电信赛区开放,非电信赛区暂不开通。杯赛时间与联赛赛季时间一致。
3.2 报分规则:因为豪门比赛所有比赛均为绑定队壳参赛,豪门球队分豪门,高级,普通三档。豪门盛宴赛制规定同级联赛必为同一档球队。但杯赛允许不同档次球队混战。基于公平考虑,调整联赛杯,冠军杯及联盟杯报分规则如下:
3.2.1 高级队或者普通队对战豪门队,每场比赛均受让1球待遇。如高级队或普通队VS豪门队原始比分为1:1,则最终上报比分为2:1。
3.2.2 普通队VS高级队,每场比赛均受让1球待遇。如普通队VS高级队原始比分为1:2,则最终上报比分为2:2.
3.2.3 同级球队杯赛相遇,比分据实上报。
3.2.4 不同档级球队在一场制杯赛中对战规则:比赛设置:10分钟.如比赛结束后最终比分分出胜负,胜者晋级。如最终比分为平局,则双方再开一场5分钟附加赛,场地/天气/受伤等:随机.开加时/点球。附加赛低档级球队将不再享受受让+1球的待遇。以实际比分为最终比赛结果。
3.3 联赛杯:
3.3.1 参赛对象:电信赛区5个级联赛所有球队。
3.3.2 对战分配:由系统自动随机分配,外围赛参与者为40名,胜者与其他44支球队一起进入64强。
3.3.3 赛制说明:一场决胜负,开加时,开点球,双方协商主客机。(不同档级球队对战请参照3.2.4规则)。
3.4 冠军杯
3.4.1 冠军杯正赛一共32支参赛队伍。
3.4.2 参赛资格:上届超级联赛第1-12名,甲级联赛1-4名,乙级联赛1-4名,共20名直接进入冠军杯正赛。上届超级联赛13-16名,甲级联赛5-12名,乙级联赛5-10名,丙级联赛1-6名,共24支球队参加冠军杯资格赛。12支胜者获得冠军杯正赛资格,12支负者进入联盟杯32强。
3.4.3 冠军杯赛制:冠军杯资格赛为一场制,开加时,开点球。主客场按规定协商。第一阶段进行小组循环赛(主客场两场),无加时,无点球,第二阶段淘汰赛将由16强开始,分主客场两场制。决赛一场制,开点球,开加时。(不同档级球队对战请参照3.2.4规则)。
3.5 联盟杯
3.5.1 联盟杯正赛一共32支球队,冠军杯资格赛负者12名直接获得正赛资格。
3.5.2 联盟杯资格赛:上届甲级联赛13-16名,乙级联赛11-16名,丙级联赛7-16,上届丁级联赛1-4名,本届丁级联赛1-16名,共40名,胜者20支进入联盟杯正赛,负者淘汰。
3.5.3 联盟杯赛制:联盟杯资格赛及正赛均为一场制,开加时,开点球。主客场按规定协商。(不同档级球队对战请参照3.2.4规则)。
4.1 电信赛区所有参赛者必须绑定队壳,且队壳为唯一,此绑定球队也为参赛者唯一参赛球队,球队分配原则以申请为主,随机分配和管理员协调的方式为辅。申请方式见比赛系统介绍。非电信赛区不用申请球队,只会象征性绑定一个队壳队徽,但正式比赛队伍任意。
4.2 队壳分超级,高级和普通三档。超级队壳默认分配给电信赛区超级联赛,高级队壳默认分配给甲级,乙级联赛,普通球队默认分配给丙级及丁级联赛。
5.2 空降原则:超级或者甲级选手退隐后希望复出联赛,原则上可空降下届同级别联赛(超级无空缺的时候,超级选手可选择空降甲级),但是前提是,必须先提出申请,并且同级别联赛有其他选手退隐后出现的空缺。且队壳需要重新申请。
5.3 电信赛区乙级,丙级,丁级联赛选手如因故不能参加下届联赛,必须提前向相关级别管理员申请。何时复出,须重新报名联赛,职业生涯将从丁级开始。如不提出申请,则视为退赛,将删除豪门盛宴比赛联赛帐号,严重者封游戏平台帐号。
6.1 比赛系统演示地址:http://demo.peshm.com/ 请使用guest游客帐号进入体验。
6.2 比赛系统报名:帐号申请和报名同时进行,请关注豪门盛宴论坛比赛报名召集贴。
6.3 队壳申请:队壳申请原则为先申请先受理(比赛系统自动受理)。超级球队被同一参赛者连续持有三届,系统将有可能会自动剥夺并更换。其余球队一经绑定,在没有升降级的情况下,一般不允许变更。升降级后,如所处赛区球队等级发生变化,则要重新在系统提交申请。如参赛者私下需要交换队壳,可向管理员申请协调。
1. 比赛奖励:
7.1 豪门比赛系统自动记录职业生涯记录.
7.2 比赛系统内玩家教练名自动加荣誉锦标.
2013-9-22 13:42 上传
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2. 比赛处罚:
7.1 单赛季未能完成联赛及杯赛之90%.直接从当级联赛中开除,剥除队壳.电信赛区下届联赛必须同新注册球队一样重新申请资格,并从丁级联赛打起.电信赛区丁级联赛及非电信赛区超级禁赛1届.
7.2 单赛季未能完成联赛及杯赛之80%.直接删号,并封平台ID.
7.3 假球或者后场恶意倒脚消极比赛,如有录像证明,视情况直接判负,严重者开除出职业联赛.无录像,如连续接到两名不同玩家举报,比赛委员会会立案讨论,并有权做出类似处罚.
7.4 不认真阅读理解比赛规则而导致不必要的申诉,比赛委员会有权利做出严厉处罚.
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作者: BNB 时间: 2013-9-16 19:48
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作者: BNB 时间: 2013-9-16 19:49
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作者: 5bdkonly 时间: 2013-10-14 12:01 标题: Punta Cana World Class Summer Guidelines Villas Sc
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作者: 5bdkonly 时间: 2013-10-14 12:04 标题: Can Andrew Luck Sway Indianapolis Colts on
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The 2012 season proved one thing. There was no way to go wrong whether the Indianapolis Colts picked Andrew Luck or RGIII,?do=/blog/add/. Now their business is arming him with better players. Are Dwayne Bowe and Branden Albert possible options?
Chuck Pagano Must Understand Luck Is His Ticket to Success
Jim Irsay was a little selfish in his plan to rebuild his Colts after the departure of Peyton Manning. Not only did he make Luck his prized draft pick in April,cheap Chiefs jerseys usa, but in the spirit of Tony Dungy he hired defensive specialist Chuck Pagano to run the team. Sadly no one saw leukemia coming when he took the job,?title=%E7%94%A8%E6%88%B7:G28mchep#Baby_Phat_Wholesale-spun11,nba cheap jerseys, but Indianapolis didn't make excuses. They rallied around Pagano and their star rookie quarterback. Even with a playoff spot still very possible it's clear Indianapolis has work to do. Their defense is an imperfect mixture of raw youths and old veterans who aren't familiar with the new schemes. On offense it's less about game plans and more about sheer talent. Aside from Reggie Wayne, there isn't a player of note who's drawn attention in the Colts huddle, especially on the offensive line. Luck hasn't had good protection all season and it came up again in a tough game against the powerhouse Houston Texans. Watt led the team with three sacks as Luck was downed five times total,Cheap Indianapolis Colts Jerseys, making it 37 for the season. Most quarterback can't win getting hit that much,cheap nike Chiefs jerseys, which is a testament to how good Luck is. That is why Pagano must curb the urges to focus on his defense in the off-season and work to keep his franchise player healthy.
Bowe and Albert May Both Leave Kansas City Chiefs
Ironically, two players that could assist in that quest don't just play on the same team, but also the worst team in the NFL. Dwayne Bowe and Branden Albert don't get much attention because the Kansas City Chiefs are 2-12 and off the late-season radar. Yet analysts could put a convincing argument forward that those two players are among the five or six best at their positions in the league. After a rough start to his career Albert has developed into a solid anchor on bad offensive line, excelling most in pass protection. Meanwhile, in another ironic twist, his teammate Bowe may have gotten some leverage in his contract talks after breaking his ribs and going on injured reserve. Without him,personalized jerseys, a bad Chiefs offense became a useless one. Since his injury, they've scored seven points in two weeks. To think the team might let them go while bringing in a new quarterback at the same time is hard to believe. Still everything comes down to money. Kansas City doesn't want to overpay for players a new coaching staff might not want. This is good news for teams like Indy.
Dwayne Bowe or Branden Albert would fit nicely in an Indianapolis Colts jersey. Andrew Luck isn't the general manager but his success is tied directly to the team's. If Chuck Pagano is half as smart as he is courageous,cheap Chiefs throwback jerseys, then that mission is clear.
作者: PES2015 时间: 2013-10-15 11:16
作者: 键盘王子 时间: 2013-10-15 11:23
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