不用多言 ISS小组的补丁一直都很优秀(ISS08-09 09-10)
The Patch contains many new things that we put in there after our last patch and is again a litle bit bether than the old one. BUT there is one big thing to respect. The OF isn't final. There are some players with a "(F)", "(E)" ore "(S)" after the name from a player. This is a code from us to signal that this player isn't edited. This Player is not the Player which name he has. He is a empty slot with the real name and must be edited full!!! From this players are some in the OF and if you edit them for yourself then you have a wonderful patch.
存档需要自行编辑完善 会有更新的
Some changelogs:
- 863 Stadiums 完美球场大包 解压完6.12G
- All CL insert 所有10-11赛季冠军联赛球队
- The most of the EL Teams insert 涵盖大部分欧联杯球队
- New graphics like menue and many more 菜单界面更新
- New EPL and Bundesliga Scoreboard 新的英超和德甲记分牌
- New Ballpack 新的球包
- Edited Face/Hair Pack 新的脸发包
- Many new Kits for 10/11 新赛季球衣
- New Bootpack 新鞋包
- Changed "international Chalange" to the "WCC Qualifikation" 改了个名称而已
- .... many many many changes and new things more
First you must download the G-Sound from above. Then download the commentary pack that you want and import these in the g-sound.afs with DKZ. But don't rename the G-Sound!(其实可以重命名的 要修改下pes6.exe,建议一种解说就够了,其余纯属试听娱乐)
The callnames of these soundpacks are different to our basic (German Version) So you better should deactivate the callnames and set that the commentator says instead of the Callnames the players numbers ore nothing. If you set callnamefunction it could be that there are some mistakes (different Callnames). Of course you also can link the correct callnames in the OF by yourself.(德语解说完美对应存档,其他解说适用非完美主义者)
Iss_England.7z http://u.115.com/file/f38eb90da0