- edit playernames
- edit height
- edit abilities
- teamname-editing in different languages
- global changes for players like: MCKENNA to McKenna; McKenna to MCKENNA
- global changes for teams like: VFB STUTTGART to VfB Stuttgart; VfB Stuttgart to VFB STUTTGART
- export players to csv
- import players to csv
more to come…
Instructions (PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THE dt04.img BEFORE!!!):
1. Export the unnamed_26.bin and unnamed_30.bin from dt04.img with AFS Explorer or another tool.
2. Decompress both files with the zlib-tool.
3. Open the editor and load both files.
4. Do your changes.
5. Compress both files again with the zlib-tool.
6. Import both files into the dt04.img with AFS Explorer (maybe you will have to Rebuild the dt04.img)