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分享 DeAndre Hopkins among offseason rookie standouts - NFL.com
vancerfan 2014-7-13 23:15
Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin provided our annual reminder not to read too deeply into offseason practices because it's just "football in shorts." The most important function is to install the offenses and defenses that the players will take into training camp. For the incoming draft c ...
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分享 为什么
Yuyu78111 2014-7-12 11:14
我wen7系统,昨晚刚下的,豪门盛宴7.5,怎么就不会安装呢,我怎么也找不到这个文件夹。X:\My Documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 6\save\folder1,那位大神赐教一下阿。
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分享 新手报道
277076761 2014-7-7 14:28
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分享 支持一下!!!!!
aoso 2014-7-6 20:12
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分享 。。。。。。。。。
hzy543259692 2014-7-1 17:26
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分享 'I booked my flight home after the final'
vancerfan 2014-6-28 00:03
The German is optimistic about his side's chances in Brazil, while Clint Dempsey also believes USMNT Croatia Home Football Shirts cheap can go a long way in the tournament PRTDrawGHA. The Swansea City striker impressed Barcelona 2013/2014 22 DANI ALVES Home Football Shirts cheap ...
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分享 'Fred should have been booked for diving'
vancerfan 2014-6-28 00:01
Japanese whistler Yuichi Nishimura has felt the wrath of not only the Croatian side for his performance against the hosts, but from former officials too By Kris Voakes at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo The pre-match build-up seemed to all be about one controversy or another, and Bra ...
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分享 C罗咬碎牙根是真拼了,夺冠之心值得敬畏
港行货 2014-6-27 17:48
没有奇迹。C罗还是告别了世界杯。在一场必须赢但是命运不掌握在自己手中的比赛中,即使c罗拼尽了权利,葡萄牙还是改变不了自己最后的结局。1胜1平1负,c罗带着三个1遗憾的回家了。但是这次比赛,c罗真的很爷们,也表现了一个巨星应有的风范,比起西班牙,伊比利亚半岛的另一颗牙血性了许多。 http://n3.epaike.com ...
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分享 豪门盛宴的补丁能用在pes2007 wecn7x 上吗
dazi1983 2014-6-20 22:51
豪门盛宴的补丁能用在pes2007 wecn7x 上吗
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分享 德国足球统治的时代将近
kobe87231 2014-6-17 21:26
足球运动的前进历史中总有几个国家轮流或者交替的在一定时期占有统治性地位。有明确的战术架构和风格,为身后人树立典范被效仿,在某一阶段获得突出的成绩,只有同时满足这几点,才可以说是达到了一定程度。在我看来,目前接近这个程度的,显然是德国。两支最出色的德国球队面对西班牙两大豪门,在欧冠半决赛就给了各自对手 ...
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