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(分享)PES2012 官方访谈:反击FIFA!![译文] [复制链接]

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    2025-2-13 13:00
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    赞助商 发表于 2011-5-15 15:01 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
    (分享)PES2012 官方访谈:反击FIFA!![译文]

    "I think 2012 will be the first time in a while that PES hasn’t had to pick itself up from the mat after a pummelling, only to head straight out into the next round. No knockout blows were thrown (or taken) in that last round, but signs of a comeback were starting to show. PES had finally started to show glimpses of the quick feet, combos, movement and pace it had been lacking... and now could be the perfect time to unleash the haymaker."


    Breaking the metaphor down:
    I feel that we may just be on the verge of something significant, something that can show that PES has the strength and willingness to fight back and re-establish itself as the sole dominant force in the football simulation market. Right, we've had a few poor titles. Right, we’ve witnessed the sublime and the ridiculous go hand-in-hand, but, and I welcome your views if you feel otherwise, I feel that PES 2011 went a large way towards correcting those faults.

    The game was such a drastic change from 2010 that it alienated a lot of people - myself included at times, and I still feel that I haven't fully mastered it even now (a feat that previously took a matter of days or weeks). This underlying complexity unquestionably adds to the experience - whilst frustrates at the same time, a combination that is needed to succeed. It’s this love-hate relationship that gives you those PES moments of unbridled joy one minute then complete and utter, destructive rage the very next. Whilst we might not have the correct balance just yet - its closer than we’ve had in recent offerings.

    I’m not going to tell you that PES 2011 was the messiah, you’ve played it for yourselves, you can tell me whether you think it was or not, but I will say (as I did last year) that I think that it’s definitely taking us to where we need to be. I was contented with PES in the play tests - but offered that joy with the caveat that prolonged play will show the game’s true colours. So where has that left us? Well, comparing to 12 months ago I’m a lot happier with the game at this stage in its life cycle. This time last year, the lack of refereeing decisions combined with moments of slapstick keeping were becoming increasingly obvious with every game I played. Whilst 2011 isn’t perfect - it offers fewer faults on a match-by-match basis when compared to its predecessor, a remarkable success for a game that had effectively just been (re)born.

    Forgetting the faults - what were the positives? A game with a great degree of passing freedom, a new editing section for the community to get stuck into (in the form of the Stadium Editor), market leading visuals and player appearances, stylish minimalist displays and menus, the return of the PES Shop (Extra Content) and also a great first outing for Master League Online, amongst many others. You can almost guarantee that these will be revisited for the next instalment.

    The visual upgrades are a given - with PES taking a stride closer to realism every 12 months, but the key this year will be the game mechanics. PES needs to be smoother - we need a greater number of faster, sharper and intelligent animations. Players need to be given the freedom to move and it is animations that will grant this, but it needs to be done in a way that won’t be sluggish - or leave your star locked in a movement that even super cancel can’t get you out of (e.g. the ‘running clap’ after a save or the ‘leaning forward stumble’ when tackled that we see a little too often). PES 2011 was a step forward in this respect, though it left a little to be desired but you can be certain that 2012 will address all of those issues.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw the aforementioned Stadium Editing pushed to new heights, perhaps we’ll be given more parts to work with allowing for the community to create an array of stadium styles? Perhaps we’ll be given more Konami made or official stadiums for use in game? Also, perhaps we’ll see developments in player/team editing, Master League and Online modes - and who knows; perhaps we’ll see the return of more old favourites that got lost along the way?

    The details haven’t been released yet - but you can make your own guesses as to what 2012 will hold for PES, and we’d love to hear them... Is there anything in particular that you’d like to see?

    Coming back to that opening metaphor... PES may have taken a couple of hits in that last round, but it was never about winning - it was about proving that it had still had some fight in it. PES may be the underdog - but it has been a champion before, and you can never write a champion off. All it takes is that one moment of magic and momentum can switch…

    Suitably rested and refreshed, the interval is just about over. The adrenalin is pumping and the excitement is building... The next round is 2012.

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